
What is nog?

Egg Nog: Drink of Gods.
Part egg, part nog, part awesome
Too good for all year.


Ode to the Grey Hound Bus

Nobody's showered.
Can't sleep else robbed, stabbed, or humped.
Sugar fuels my night.

Bus full of convicts.
Hungry...vending machines broke.
They might eat me soon.

Dear Guy next to me,
My shoulder's not a pillow.
You drool when you sleep.

Air of Airports

The smells of Newark
Rich and diverse aromas
Fish, booze, and urine.

On a Steel Horse I Ride...

Riding cross country
Freedom and wind in my hair
And bugs in my teeth.

Background Specialist

Life of an Extra:
Work fourteen hours a day.
Steal food from snack cart.

Hollywood Haiku

Acting to pay bills
Until I can find my dream:
Job waiting tables.

Veteran's Day

Day to celebrate
Men who fought for this country
But not at a bank :-(